Goodwood Audio Output TX


Output TX is a dual-buffered device designed to go at the very end of your signal chain. With two types of summing and an audio transformer it can handle any...





Output TX is a dual-buffered device designed to go at the very end of your signal chain. With two types of summing and an audio transformer it can handle any situation between your pedal board and 1 or 2 amps.

DMS - Dual Mode Summing

Output TX features two types of summing: Stereo Sum and Split Sum. To access these two modes, use the internal DIP switch to select which mode is best for you.

Stereo Sum (DIP Sw UP) – This is the default mode Output ships with. In this mode use stereo effects as normal. When summed, the left and right inputs are merged and the exact same signal is sent to the left and right outputs.

2. Split sum (DIP Sw DOWN) – Still use stereo effects as normal. When summed, the right input is ignored and the left input is split to both left and right outputs.

3. Mix Mode - With the left DIP UP and the right DIP DOWN you are in mix mode. In this mode you can take signals from two different sources (Maybe a dry signal coming into the left input and a wet signal into the right input) and mix them. This is different to summing, so please use this mode if you want to mix!

Ground Lift & Phase Correction

Output TX comes with ground lift and phase correction for players that want to run more than one amp.

Ground Lift – If you get a nasty buzz when using two amps, you most likely have a ground loop. Activate Outputs audio transformer and lift the ground to correct this.

Phase Correction – Invert the phase on the right output by pushing both the and black and red pushbuttons in.

IMPORTANT - Use only 9vDC centre negative power! Current draw - 50mA.

Dimensions - 66mm L x 111mm W x 31mm H (including all jacks and push buttons).

Input Impedance (L and R inputs): 1Meg

Output Impedance (L and R outputs): 500 ohms

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Output TX is a dual-buffered device designed to go at the very end of your signal chain. With two types of summing and an audio transformer it can handle any...





Output TX is a dual-buffered device designed to go at the very end of your signal chain. With two types of summing and an audio transformer it can handle any situation between your pedal board and 1 or 2 amps.

DMS - Dual Mode Summing

Output TX features two types of summing: Stereo Sum and Split Sum. To access these two modes, use the internal DIP switch to select which mode is best for you.

Stereo Sum (DIP Sw UP) – This is the default mode Output ships with. In this mode use stereo effects as normal. When summed, the left and right inputs are merged and the exact same signal is sent to the left and right outputs.

2. Split sum (DIP Sw DOWN) – Still use stereo effects as normal. When summed, the right input is ignored and the left input is split to both left and right outputs.

3. Mix Mode - With the left DIP UP and the right DIP DOWN you are in mix mode. In this mode you can take signals from two different sources (Maybe a dry signal coming into the left input and a wet signal into the right input) and mix them. This is different to summing, so please use this mode if you want to mix!

Ground Lift & Phase Correction

Output TX comes with ground lift and phase correction for players that want to run more than one amp.

Ground Lift – If you get a nasty buzz when using two amps, you most likely have a ground loop. Activate Outputs audio transformer and lift the ground to correct this.

Phase Correction – Invert the phase on the right output by pushing both the and black and red pushbuttons in.

IMPORTANT - Use only 9vDC centre negative power! Current draw - 50mA.

Dimensions - 66mm L x 111mm W x 31mm H (including all jacks and push buttons).

Input Impedance (L and R inputs): 1Meg

Output Impedance (L and R outputs): 500 ohms

Output TX is a dual-buffered device designed to go at the very end of your signal chain. With two types of summing and an audio transformer it can handle any...





Output TX is a dual-buffered device designed to go at the very end of your signal chain. With two types of summing and an audio transformer it can handle any situation between your pedal board and 1 or 2 amps.

DMS - Dual Mode Summing

Output TX features two types of summing: Stereo Sum and Split Sum. To access these two modes, use the internal DIP switch to select which mode is best for you.

Stereo Sum (DIP Sw UP) – This is the default mode Output ships with. In this mode use stereo effects as normal. When summed, the left and right inputs are merged and the exact same signal is sent to the left and right outputs.

2. Split sum (DIP Sw DOWN) – Still use stereo effects as normal. When summed, the right input is ignored and the left input is split to both left and right outputs.

3. Mix Mode - With the left DIP UP and the right DIP DOWN you are in mix mode. In this mode you can take signals from two different sources (Maybe a dry signal coming into the left input and a wet signal into the right input) and mix them. This is different to summing, so please use this mode if you want to mix!

Ground Lift & Phase Correction

Output TX comes with ground lift and phase correction for players that want to run more than one amp.

Ground Lift – If you get a nasty buzz when using two amps, you most likely have a ground loop. Activate Outputs audio transformer and lift the ground to correct this.

Phase Correction – Invert the phase on the right output by pushing both the and black and red pushbuttons in.

IMPORTANT - Use only 9vDC centre negative power! Current draw - 50mA.

Dimensions - 66mm L x 111mm W x 31mm H (including all jacks and push buttons).

Input Impedance (L and R inputs): 1Meg

Output Impedance (L and R outputs): 500 ohms

Goodwood Audio TX Interfacer
Goodwood Audio TX Underfacer
Goodwood Audio RMT